An Ode and Eulogy to
Mollah Omar
From a poor and layman Bangladeshi Mustazafin
The whole creation being united
Can’t do an iota or harm
Nor an iota of good
To any one
If it is not the desire
of Allah-Subhanallahtala.
Bolstered by this force of Iman
The unblemished and resolute
Caravan of Taliban
In the face of opposition
From East and West alike
Have stood steadfast
Like the granite of Mountains
Of Kandahar and Kabul.
You have glorified the face
Of the Sunni sect of the Muslim Ummah
When it was assumed that
Apart from Shiite sect
The Sunni Muslim community
Has not the built-in-revolutionary
Force within.
To reach and re-discover
The roots of own civilization and culture
Is the fundamental human-rights
Of every nation
Notwithstanding what so ever is said
By the Pedantic.
If one does not see eye to eye
With Western civilization and modalities
Then you become
Medieval and uncivilized
-This is a very naïve reasoning
What may be classified
As expression and mentality
Of Modern Zaheliath.
Oh! The ever-independent and ever-courageous
Afghan people
Take heart-felt love, respect and solidarity
From the people of Bangladesh
Who have nurtured for centuries
The values you are fighting for.